Can DIALux EVO recognize Rooms and Spaces from Revit?

As I usually work with architecture lighting for complex theatre buildings, which usually include vast spaces of non-rectangular geometry spanning several floors (theatre auditorium and fly tower), automatically created rooms by DIALux evo in Spaces tool are usually useless. See the attached image for reference for automatically recognized spaces by DIALux Evo (control room and some random "space", which is a part of the staircase).

Adding custom calculation surfaces is not a problem when my lighting design project is done in isolation, but as soon as I try to export CSV file so my colleague can use it to for project coordination in Revit (using Caneco plug-in for Revit import from DIALux), the problems arise, as he is unable to manipulate the luminaires in Revit unless my export has exactly the same spaces named in the same way.

Ideally, I would import an IFC file with defined rooms and MEP spaces and DIALux would overtake this nomenclature. Is there a way to achieve this?

Has anyone figured out how to achieve luminaire export to Revit, so that they are recognized as luminaires with photometric/electrotechnic characteristics (not only 3D geometries) by Revit and individually editable?

As mentioned above, CSV export from DIALux does not place the luminaires correctly in space in Revit (because of rooms not corresponding in DIALux EVO and Revit, hence this question).

based on geometry exported from DIALux EVO?

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