DIALux 4.13 Troubles

I need help for the troubles I encountered while working with DIALux 4.13 if there are any solutions for these.

1. I cant seem to import dwg/dxf file that were saved as AutoCAD 2012 to latest versions.

2. When I get to import dwg/dxf files, the software lags significantly that I have to turn off the dxf from time to time.

3. Closing a .dlx file after editing it in DIAlux using the upper right close button causes the software to become unresponsive when another file is opened. When attempting to open another .dlx file by double-clicking, the software gets stuck in a loading screen and remains inaccessible.

4. Upon attempting to export isolines generated after calculation from a dlx file opened in Dialux 4.13 to a server folder, the exportation process takes too long.

5. I cant generate isolines for elevated platforms in both outdoor and room scenarios.

Any help is very much appreciated

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