slanted ceiling

Dear support,

as AI hinted, quotation:

there are the steps to create slanted ceilings in Dialux Evo:

  1. Open the room in which you want to create a slanted ceiling.

  2. Click on the Ceiling tab in the Room Data window.

  3. In the Ceiling Type section, select Slanted Ceiling.

  4. Enter the Height and Angle of the slanted ceiling.

  5. Click on OK to save the changes.

Please note that these steps are for Dialux Evo version 9.2. If you are using a different version, the steps may vary slightly. The end of quote.

Now we are at version 12.0 and this info seems not valid, the custom made ceiling can only rotated. The room elements tool don't allow such kind ceiling manipulations. It seems only add furniture tool allows crate something slanted effect adding wedge.

My question is: how to create slanted ceiling?


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